July 8, 2013 in Blog, Events by the Emeralds tree

12 to 14 July 2013 we will be in Forlimpopoli, will take with us some of our didge and our “business cards” freshly printed, take a trip.

The artists this year:

Friday, July 12:

– Iban Nicolai(SPAGNA) – didjeridoo, loopstation
– Didj beat(AUSTRALIA) – world music group fusing contemporary beats and sounds – didjeridoo, percussion, danze e canti tribal.

Saturday, July 13: 

– Jacopo Mattii(ITALIA) – didjeridoo solo
– Matsumoto Zoku(JAPPONE) – didjeridoo, halo, beatbox
Airtist(AUSTRIA) — didjeridoo, jew’s arp, beatbox – Airtist is a unique music project that creates the atmosphere of electronic dance music with ancient instruments and human voice.



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