Spiraculum Ulmum didgeridoo
April 27, 2013 in Blog, Didgeridoo by the Emeralds tree
Spiraculum Ulmum is “one-important-piece” , both for the size, which for sound. Was decorated without covering the beauty of wood, with a thin painted on the bell, a pattern of leaves with oil color. Spiraculum Ulmum is defined by itself, just watching it live to realize what’s in front, demands respect. Spiraculum Ulmum he immediately attracted attention among other didgeridoo, certainly for its size and for its subtle and Strong presence. He wants to be played with, handled, wants to sing to the world, wants to be given to your soul, traveling with you, wants to move away from the earth with confidence and get to the place where everything is creation, where the man’s breath and the sound of the earth becomes light.
Wood: ELM Wood
Lenght: 225 cm Weight: 2,7 kg
mouth: internal 30 mm bell: diameter of oval 15 cm x 7 cm.
Frequency: 58 Hz Approximate
Chakras: Third eye, 6th chakra AJNA, visual and imaginative faculty building.
Energy: mental, cerebral
Natural element: Light
location: forehead, pituitary gland, pituitary gland
Sense: all the senses of the body
Organs and body systems: facial system, central nervous system and the cerebellum.
color: indigo
Bijamantra: aum
associations: vision, intuition, creative imagination, clarity
function: the ability to put ideas into practice and to understand and visualize concepts.
representation: spiritualized human beings: saints, gurus, spirits
due to: discernment
Sound: “A Didgeridoo must give special vibrational sensations and pleasure to those who play it, first of all.
When you play it for hours, then you can figure out which location will have a didge in your life and in your things. Spiraculum ulmum is one of these.
The note is unusual, sound very deep but not muddy, a little ‘”crispy”, perhaps sacred.
The vibrations invade the body when you touch it. Every slight movement is transformed into sound to be integrated in the performance, the toots are immediate, instinctive and resonant as trumpets, get tips and ideas in your head, you have to try, because ..with other didgeridoo it had never happened.
Is particularly suitable for miking live and study. With a pair of mic, a string of reverb, a small cut on the bass … the sound is controlled, satisfying and full. If you touch the mouth of the didge you would like a microphone even there ‘.. because the sounds available are endless and proportional to the skill and interiority of the player. Daniele Pasquero”
Finish: treated with shellac, resin finish.
Price: didgeridoo not available
Further INFORMATION info@theemeraldstree.com
Watch “The Sound”
Olmo from the countryside of Asti. Italy.
The choice was dictated by both the randomness that by luck. It was nice to find a beautiful piece of elm that size and perfect to be worked. The elm wood is hard enough, its characteristic is linked fibrous vein, ideal for rustic furniture and wear resistant. Its irregular structure makes it subject to possible cracks in the process, but the end result worth undoubtedly every moment spent in care and concentration.
The mouth, the art in detail.
The mouthpiece is made from resin and is the result of a thorough work. It ‘definitely comfortable.
The resin was a discovery
and learn to handle it in detail was a challenge.
It’s smooth to the touch, machined and shaped by hand in the crystallized form, continues for a few centimeters towards the inside of the didgeridoo.
The didgeridoo has been oiled and cared properly and it’s up to you to ensure that it maintains long all its splendor, as well as must be done for each didgeridoo, of whatever wood it is.
We will discuss in another article of the care of didgeridoos, giving you some tips to maintain and to clean them.
- Spiraculum Ulmum
- Spiraculum Ulmum
- Spiraculum Ulmum
- Spiraculum Ulmum
- Spiraculum Ulmum
- Spiraculum Ulmum
- Spiraculum Ulmum
- Spiraculum Ulmum
Go to the GALLERY of our didgeridoo currently available.
Elm didgeridoo
Questo post è disponibile anche in: Italian
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